My dream job is flight attendant

My dream job is flight attendant

นาย จอมชัย  เกียรติกังวาฬไกล  6010553894  วิศวกรรมศาสตร์


Hello everyone today, I will talk about “My dream job”. When I was young, I wanted to be a 
flight attendant, because this job makes good salary. Moreover, as I am earning money,
I get to travel the world for free. And I like how the uniform looks smart which make me look even better. I love traveling to places and I guess mostly people love to travel too, don’t you? There are so many benefits from being a flight attendant. Let’s me show you some. Today I will tell everyone why most of the people want to be a flight attendant.


From the chart, we get to see the approximate salary of flight attendant which is around 20.45USD, the benefits of being flight attendant and the comparison which can be defined from this job.


This job is different as mostly are women which are about 75% while there is only 25% for men.
As normally in the work field, usually there is more competition for men than women. Talking about money, we can see that the salary for a flight attendant is 20.45 USD which seem to be little but if we look further. The salary depends on other factors for example working experience, as we can see below, starting off at 38000 USD per year and keep increasing to 49000 USD, 62000 USD and finally for more than 20 years of working experience, we could earn 63000 USD per year which is
approximately 1,900,000 Thai baht per year.

Explaining and Interpreting

From the chart, we see many benefits of this job. Not only traveling to places but also rights to get free or discounted tickets for yourself and your family. Also about the health, you get a free health check, refunding of money spent in the hospital, eye and teeth check, these are the example of welfare.

I believe that this is a dream job for many people and also myself. With the ability to travel to places while working a secure job, this job helps open up our vision. How any other job could be cooler than this?
I agree if someone would say that you have to exchange this with the lack of sleeping for some long flights but for me working and traveling is the most pleasure thing for my life experience and
I am happy to exchange that. Thank you for listening.



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